Wednesday, January 23, 2013

You Down with AIP? (Yeah You Know Me) (Mexican Chocolate Macaroons)

Angie and I, pre-Celiac diagnosis (and pre-breast reduction, wowza!)

Hello “Swans Eat Everything” fans! My name is Angie Alt & I’m a friend of Mary Rose’s from the way back . . . at least a decade or so. (We used to work the graveyard shift at a trucking co. together. Those were the days . . . ‘er nights.)  I’m also the blogger behind “Alt-ternative Universe.”  Mary Rose & I share a love
of blogging. We also both love food. I have a very interesting relationship with food though. In fact, my interesting relationship is what sparked this guest-blog switcheroo today.

So, a little back story for you. In February of 2012, after an intensely ill period, filled with all manner of scary symptoms, I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease.  Finally, I had a name for the thing that I had been making me sick for over a decade.  Celiac is a genetic disorder that causes the body to mount an autoimmune attack on the small intestine due to gluten exposure. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley & rye. And these days we put gluten in EVERYTHING.

The only way to combat the disease & its debilitating effects is to adopt a gluten-free diet immediately. The trouble with that, was that I didn’t get better. In a person with an autoimmune disease, sometimes things can go really haywire. After a few more months of struggling, I discovered the Paleo diet (I really hesitate to use that word, it is more of a lifestyle) & quickly after that I discovered a version of Paleo that is meant for people just like me. A haywire system requires the AutoimmuneProtocol.

Enter my very interesting relationship with food . . . for the last nine months I did not ever consume the following food groups:

-Nightshade Vegetables (Tomatoes, White Potatoes, Eggplants & Sweet & Hot
Peppers, which means most spices)

I know what you are thinking. “How the hell does she eat at all? And furthermore, how can she & Mary Rose share a common love of food? You have to eat to love food.” She & I share a common thread though . . . good food, made from scratch."

I actually have an amazing diet now & I eat tons of awesome, fresh, delicious, healthful foods. And I am finally on the road to recovery. Happy, healthy me is returning.

Mary Rose & I thought we’d do a blog trade and I’d introduce all of you to an Autoimmune Protocol dessert. Yep, I still eat dessert!

Mexican Chocolate Macaroons

To make this Autoimmune Protocol, you need to omit the chili pepper and you need to make sure the baking cocoa does not include any dairy or soy. Here’s some step by step for you:

All the ingredients assembled.  The raw honey is produced locally by Amish beekeepers.  Score!

Lots of peeps are confused about coconut oil at first.  It is solid at room temp and is a lot like Crisco.  There is no need to melt it before making these cookies.

Here’s the wet & dry ingredients ready to go.

I mix by hand, since this “dough” is very thick.  Don’t worry my hands were well washed.

Ready to go in the oven.  I actually give them 10 minutes in the fridge before putting them in the oven.

 All done & lovely!  I drizzled a dairy/soy/gluten free chocolate over the top to make them look extra fancy.  

There you have it.  Mary Rose & I are heating up the kitchen from two different perspectives, but we still share that common thread.  Good food, made from scratch.  Someday Mary Rose & I are going to sit down with some nice red wine, a few of these macaroons & I’m going to tell her the story of how she came to be one of my best cheerleaders during one of the toughest parts of my life.  Everyone with a serious autoimmune disorder should be so lucky.  

If you are interested in trying Paleo or Autoimmune Protocol or you want to know more about Celiac Disease, check out my blog.  I promise you can still eat fantastic food! 

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