Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Spark of Inspiration (Cranberry Wild Rice Pull Apart Bread)

Happy Wednesday!  Wow, this week has been amazingly long for just being 3 days in, here's hoping the rest of the week just speeds right by.  Things are looking up, I got myself some new boots for Christmas (hooker boots, not cowboy boots) that arrived today, there is a homemade veggie lasagna currently warming in the ol' "housewife's hot box" (the oven), and both kids are too distracted by learning games to demand much of my time at this very minute.  We shall see how long that lasts.

So this last weekend I was so enamored by the Cranberry Wild Rice bread for the French Toast (recipe for the dough HERE) that I told that I was going to make another batch the same day, and he suggested that we try an experiment.  I threw all the ingredients into the bread machine and set the dough cycle and let it work it's magic, and the dough that came out was identical (even better, I would say) than the dough I made with my KitchenAid for the original batch.  Probably got a lot more kneading in the bread machine, which I'm learning is a very important part of the bread making process.

 This bread has risen.....

Once the bread dough was all ready to go Thad completed phase two of the experiment.  Remember the Pull Apart Ranch Bread that I posted a few posts ago?  Thad wondered if we could apply the same technique to the Cranberry Wild Rice dough, rolling it flat, drizzling it with melted butter and a combo of brown sugar and cinnamon, then slicing and stacking into a bread pan before letting the dough rise one more time.

Fully baked, like Amanda Bynes

Wowza!  That about sums up the awesomeness that this bread was.  The slices can be toasted, you can make them into sandwiches if you're a little more meticulous about making the slices as similar in size as possible.

Well, the silent moment for quiet blogging has passed, Elora is throwing a fit of not knowing the letter "u" while spelling out sight words, and if she tells me I'm being mean one more time tonight I'm going to have to fight back a hulk-like desire to show her how much meaner mommy can be.  Calling me mean is like a challenge, and boy, that is a gauntlet I find very difficult not to pick up.

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