Monday, January 7, 2013

Pitch Perfect Sunday (Potato Soup & Pull Apart Ranch Bread)

As the title of the post indicates today has been filled with both Pitch Perfect and some delicious nonsense.  I managed to squeeze in 3 viewings in 24 hours, a record I haven't tried to beat since Newsies!  I'm such a complete nerd for the singing of songs while dancing.

I managed to get 10 hours of additional work in this week and plan to have the same kind of week again this week, so I will have to be smart about my menu planning so I can keep us all "relatively" decently fed while making it to yoga once this week.  I would shoot for twice, but that just seems ambitious.

So today I ended up making a big pot of PW's Perfect Potato Soup, and a big loaf of FWF's Ranch Bake-In Slices Bread.  Let me just tell you, this combo was dynamite, the bread helped you eat the soup, the soup made you crave more bread, it was quite sybiotic.

Ranch bread, pre-baking

This bread was ridiculously easy to make, I used a basic recipe for sandwich bread dough as called for (this one right here), and started the water/sugar/yeast combo livening up.  I tossed in the salt, flour and butter and hand kneaded the dough until I got the consistency the recipe called for.  I CAN'T WAIT TO GET THE DOUGH HOOK FOR MY KITCHEN AID.  My little arms were worn out after hand kneading.

So anyways, after the dough has risen you punch it down and roll it out into a large flat rectangle.  Melt your butter and pour it all over the dough, then sprinkle with the ranch/dill mixture and this creates almost a ranch paste.  The slices should be roughly the size of a playing card, then you stack them in a propped-up bread pan until that bad boy is filled up, then let it rise until it is puffy and gorgeous, like a pre-menstrual beauty queen.


After rising and baking you are left with a loaf of bread that requires no slicing, the slices come apart and each is beautifully seasoned.  Pair this bread with a soup or stew and you will not regret the small amount of work.

Try this out next weekend and you will become a junkie, I am not kidding, this bread is that good.  Elora dubbed it "The Best Bread Ever".  I prefer Kraken Bread, since it is unleashing a delicious beast bent on destruction of your waistline.

Tell me what you think in the comments!  New post coming midweek!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I am so trying to stay away from carbs these days, but that sounds amaze-balls. I may have to try!
