Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Busy Bee (Slow Cooker French Dips, Homemade Hoagies, and Salad Savoy Chips)

Wow, this entry in history is my first TRIPLE HEADER!  Three recipes all in one post?!  That defies all logic, all reason, all knowledge of my self proclaimed laziness!  Well, I have done even more cooking than the triple header title implies.  I made the equivalent of apple pie in oatmeal form for the kids yesterday, which was also breakfast today, and both kids asked for second-servings of day-old oatmeal.  I feel like a culinary queen today!

I made Salad Savoy Chips!  The veg is a combo of kale and cauliflower, and the roasted chips are ADDICTIVE.  If being healthy is as easy as eating roasted savoy chips I think I could become the healthiest person ever.  The roasted flavor is delicious.

(No Picture Available, due to scarfing)

I made Buffalo Chicken Wing Sauce to go on my enormous football drumsticks! I made the buffalo sauce with Frank's and butter.  Or "buttah".  Whatever dialect you choose, when you bring those two things to a boil together magic happens.  I won't be buying pre-made sauce ever again.

I made Hoagie Rolls yesterday (these directions are funky, and I put wet ingredients in first, then dry, then yeast to make it bread machine friendly), I got 16 rolls out of 2 batches of dough in the bread machine, and I'm so thankful I did, because my bro-bro John came for dinner Sunday, along with my sister Currey.  The last time I made dinner and didn't make my own rolls for French Dips he gave me a louse 67% on effort.  I still love him, but he's my toughest critic.

And the piece de resistance: Slow Cooker French Dips!  This French Dip recipe might rock your socks off, and if you need socks to keep from getting blisters you should consider yourself forewarned. It is so ridiculously easy, just soy sauce, a touch of beef bouillon (I use beef base, I hate waiting for cubes to disolve), garcic powder, thyme, rosemary, peppercorns and bay leaves.  The au jus that this recipe makes is so good I want to have it transfused into my body, replacing my blood with the rich juiciness.

Originally this post was also supposed to include some oven-caramlized onions that I have been in love with since finding on Mama Loves Food, but they met an untimely end when the cookie sheet was not removed from the oven appropriately and the caramelized onions were more like carcinogen onions.  They do go amazing with the French Dips, and their absence meant my overall John grade was more like a 73%. 

There were no pictures of the finished product, blame it on 4 extra adults over for dinner, 3 extra kids, and 4 growlers of beer that my pal Darin brought over for the playoffs.  I am finding that I am really good at getting pictures of the "during cooking" or the "end product", but so far I haven't been very successful at getting both sets of pictures of one recipe (minus the Savoy Chips, because it was literally two steps to complete).  Something to work on!

Tomorrow I have a guest blog coming up, so check back after 8:00 AM EST and see the deliciousness of my first guest recipe!

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