Saturday, January 4, 2014

Back to the Grind (Eggnog Baked Pancakes)

So we are back in the non-holiday swing of things, and I am both saddened and thrilled that the holidays are over.  Sad because Christmas carols are no longer in season.  Thrilled because every other part of Christmas is no longer in season.  I'm not really one to make my resolutions public knowledge (because then I'm accountable to see them through), but if I did have resolutions I was willing to share at least one of them would include homemade breakfast for my kids all year long.

I've shared the baked pancakes recipe previously (see HERE for a gorgeous reminder).  If you haven't already tried it I strongly encourage that you do so.  They are so quick, so easy, and so delicious you will wonder why you haven't been making your pancakes like this for years.

The flavor combinations are endless.  I've been known to mix up two batches of batter at once and bake two pans in one day so I can freeze the extras and eat them all week long.  This weekend my batches were pumpkin chocolate chip (my kids are in love with this combo) and EGGNOG.  I needed to get that delicious elixir out of my fridge before it went bad, and this was just the ticket.

I used the standard Baked Pancake recipe from Six Sisters' Stuff and replaced the milk with eggnog and a little milk (I only had a little over a cup of nog, so the milk was just to measure it out to 1.5 cups the recipe calls for).  I also added a little cinnamon, and WOW.  These were divine.  As you can see in the picture they are cut into nice size rectangles, and I love that they puff up nice and thick, so it's like you've got a little stack of flapjacks to call your own.

Baked pancakes have really been the most versatile breakfast recipe I've found in a while.  It is such an easy recipe to follow (so much so I've pretty much got it memorized) and with the endless variations of delicious add-ins, plus the ability to freeze the leftovers to enjoy all week long.  If you haven't tried these out yet I STRONGLY urge you to do it today.

This post is in memory of a dear lady, Ms. Lisa Frank, who passed away peacefully on Monday night.  She loved the pumpkin baked pancake, which thrilled me to no end.  She was as funny as she was shy and kind, and my thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends who are hurting right now.  Wish we would have had a chance to say goodbye, L2F, but in lieu of goodbye I'll just say "see ya later".  You will be missed.

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