Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Domestic Goddess (Beautiful Breakfast Casserole)

l hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!  Here at Casa de la Swan we were busy with getting a fence built around our back yard, which was my husband and father-in-laws responsibility since they have a Y chromosome.

As the more delicate sex my mother-in-law and I made sure they stayed fed and hydrated.  I also have to use up a giant bag of spinach I bought at Costco so I made a big batch of spinach and feta turkey burgers on Friday night, and yesterday I gently adapted THIS recipe for a breakfast casserole that my FiL and I aggressively polished off.

Beautiful Breakfast Bake

I preheated my oven to 425º.  Start with about 3 cups of thawed frozen hash browns.  Get as much moisture off them as you can.  Mix the browns with 1/4 cup (half a stick) melted butter and a little s&p (ahhh, Push It) and press into a greased baking dish.  Bake for 20-25 until golden brown and "crusty".

While the crust bakes gather the rest of your ingredients... six large eggs, 2 cups of fresh spinach, 6 slices of cooked bacon, and sone chopped green onions.  If you are partial to things like mushrooms, peppers or any other veggies feel free to prep them.  I also skipped the heavy cream in the recipe, and instead combined 1/2 cup milk (1%) and 1/2 cup of Greek yogurt for a tangier substitute.  It was great.  Beat your eggs with your "cream" and add a dash of s&p (Push It Real Good) and maybe a sprinkle of garlic powder it it tickles your fancy.

Once your crust is baked remove it from the oven and drop heat to 350º.  I started my layer of toppings with the spinach, then dropped the bacon and green onions on top.  Pour your egg & "cream" mixture over top and sprinkle a couple handfuls of shredded mozzarella over the top.  Bake another 20-25 minutes until set.  I broiled mine on low for about 5 minutes to get a lovely brown crust on top.  Let the casserole cool slightly before serving.

Elora looooooves spinach, so she loved this casserole and ended up eating her brothers.  I love that she will eat something because she knows it's healthy, rather than turning her nose up at it.

I also ended up crafting some skirt dresses this weekend, which are super cute.  Elora is wearing hers as a dress in the photo below, and the matching dress/skirt I made for myself is long and hides my (hopefully shrinking) gut a bit.

Aaaaaaaaand, the fence got finished yesterday, so it was a successful crafting weekend all around!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks yummy...I love your blog, girl---and not just the food! :-)
