Saturday, February 2, 2013

Shark Week (Coca Cola Cake)

No, I don't allude to The Discovery Channel's "Shark Week", this is a delightful new euphemism I use for "Aunt Flo", the "Crimson Wave", and "that time of the month" that I have started using regularly, as it illustrates the delightfulness that is being a woman.  Do you need to know when it's Shark Week in Casa de la Swan?  Probably not.  Am I going to force this information on you anyways.  ABSOLUTELY.  Because now I know the perfect panacea to make the affliction of femininity that much more tolerable.  COCA COLA CAKE.

Sunday the 27th was National Chocolate Cake Day, so I decided to take advantage of the fortuitous cosmic alignment of Shark Week and Chocolate Cake Day by making this Coca Cola Cake.  This is apparently a VERY Southern dessert, but I attempted (and succeeded) in making my own Northern version.

The recipe I used called for mini-marshmallows (that I did have but completely forgot to put in).  The marshmallows probably would have been great, but the finished product was still extremly edible and quite delicious.

I don't make homemade cakes, I usually just use a box of mix and call it good, but I think I might make the exception again in the future for this cake.  It was perfect.  So good, in fact, that it was difficult to photograph due to how fast it got eaten by kids, a husband, and co-workers alike.

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