Sunday, May 17, 2015

Big House in the City (Bountiful Basket Apple Madness Part 1)

So it has been a while since I posted anything delicious. Billings participates in Bountiful Baskets, a food co-op program that allows you to get a bunch of produce for minimal dollars, and they usually have extra produce you can buy in bulk with your normal half fruit/half veggie basket.  I recently took the plunge and ordered a 38 lb box of Ambrosia apples and 12 small clam shells of blueberries. The blueberries are already frozen and bagged, but the apples will take a little more time to get through, so today we made a plan to get some apples processed and put up in a snackable format.

Thad went out and bought a mandolin (kitchen instrument, not musical) and a food dehydrator, and currently we have mangoes, blueberries and apples in the racks.  We also cored, peeled and chopped 2 bags of apples for a HUGE batch of apple butter that I put in the slow cooker this afternoon. I used THIS recipe, but I used half the sugar and added a touch of cardamom. I can't wait to report back on the results of an all day apple butter smell-a-thon.