Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Best Mom Ever (White Chili with Ground Turkey)

I hate to admit this, but there are some nights I just don't know what to make for dinner.  But this week I have committed to making dinner from my fridge/freezer/pantry every night (except Colter's birthday on Thursday, at which point I throw this plan out the window for Chuck E. Cheese and pitchers of beer).  Last night was Chicken Tikka Masala made from a surprisingly good little sauce packet I found in the Asian aisle of my local Walmart.  This was met with mild enthusiasm, but the spices in the tikka had me in the mood for savory this evening.

Tonight I was rooting around for ideas on what to make while also using up some ground turkey I had thawed in the fridge.  I googled "ground turkey green chilis" and came across this little AllRecipes gem.  I had already chopped up some onions yesterday for the tikka masala, so all I had to do tonight was open some cans, dump in some spices, and throw in some cheese.

One modification, I used 2 cans of beans and 3 cups of broth, as I didn't want it to turn out too soupy.  I also subbed a 1/2 tbsp of cinnamon and a 1/2 tbsp of chili powder in lieu of a full tablespoon cinnamon.  I think this was an excellent decision.  I also added a couple teaspoons of salt, and this was so good both my kids ate it all, and my little sister followed suit.  This also had just cheddar cheese, and there was no blending of any beans whatsoever.

I've always said that the mark of success for any recipe I try is whether my kids will eat it.  This isn't true for the amazing fresh Vietnamese spring rolls I have made a couple times, but I stand behind this statement when it comes to this chili.  Elora said she loves it more than regular chili, and that is all I need to know to conclude that this will be a regular fixture our (upcoming, squeal of delight) fall menu.