Saturday, October 26, 2013

I'm Baaaaaaaaaa-aaaack (Baked Pumpkin Pancakes with Nutella Blossoms)

It has been far too long, my darlings, since I posted last.  I have no excuse, I have been remiss in so many things lately.  If I have been absent from friendships or get-togethers it is only because I have a bit of a dilemma sucking my life source dry (and no, I do not mean my children).  More on that dilemma later, hopefully by my next post it will have been resolved.

So baked pancakes.... sigh.  I believe I saw a post on Pinterest with a recipe, and I was intrigued by the freezability of the finished product.  Pancakes you can make with no griddle? Pancakes you can't burn accidentally well you prepare your children's breakfast while cooking your own? What sorcery is this?!  The bones of the recipe are here and I have been having a great time trying out different variations.  So far, to date, I have made the following:

-Fresh blueberries with cooked, crumbled turkey breakfast sausage
-Gingerbread (delicious with a little whipped cream and syrup)

The pumpkin pancakes turned out fantastically, I just add about a cup of canned pumpkin, extra cinnamon, and some pumpkin pie spice.  I added some stripes of Nutella before baking one and then made the pretty pattern you see below (my kids go apes$#& for Nutella).  The gingerbread required 1/4 cup of molasses and a heaping 1/2 teaspoon of ground ginger (plus some cinnnamon). 

Once baked the pancakes can be sliced into squares are rectangles and put into little plastic bags and frozen. I like it taken out of the plastic to reheat in the morning, then pop the warm pancake back into the bag and add syrup and a plastic spoon for a portable kids breakfast when we need to leave the house in a hurry.

These pancakes have also become my secret weapon when it comes to getting kids up on a cold winter morning. I wake the kids up by telling them I have pancakes downstairs for them and neither one of them makes any argument for not getting up, they just wrap themselves in their blankies and head down. I love having a secret power!

My next generation will include mini chocolate chips, and I have this feeling that they will be a triumphant success!

Try making a batch of your own and share your variation with me!